Thursday, April 13, 2017


Message from Guild President:

Sewing Sisters,

I loved seeing the photo of this year's Raffle Quilt Winner. Adorbs! Thank you each for your contributions in making this a wonderful Raffle Quilt year.

We've had a great sew day on Saturday and last month I had the opportunity of making a Barn Quilt with Pat Beeler. I love the opportunity to create and how much cooler when I get to create with the ones I love! I'm very much looking forward to our August Sew Day when Sherry Gray will be teaching us how to make her fabulous quilt bag!

What to do before tomorrow night:

Please the attached minutes from last month so that we can make any corrections and vote on them.

Also, look over the proposed 2017/2018 Budget so that we can discuss them.

What to bring: 

21/2 inch strips Width of Fabric for ourTAGQ Rally donation
  • 21/2 inch strips, width of fabric to donate for our TAQG Rally offering
  • Pillowcases - we are still missing a few pillowcases. Please look thru your stash!
  • Community Service Quilts - Bring all completed lap quilts, bably blankets, fidget quilts etc.
  • April Block of the Month
  • Show and Tell items
Calendar of Upcoming Events:

There will be no sew days in May since we changed them from the 4th Thursday to the 1st Thursday.

Executive Board Meeting - FYI
May 25, 2017

TAQG Meeting
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Topic: Quilt Show

Sew Day - Day Group
Thursday, June 1, 2017
9:00AM - 3:00PM

Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting
Tuesday, June 13, 2017 - Installation of Officers
Anniversary Celebration

Mesquite Quilt Show
June 23 - 24, 2017

Sew Day - Day Group
Thursday, July 6, 2017
9:00AM - 3:00PM

TAQG Rally Day
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - Installation of Officers
5 Minute Blocks

Ellis County Quilt Show
July 14 - 15, 2017

TAQG Meeting
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Topic: Expanded Social Media

Saturday Sew Day - Sherry Gray Quilt Bag
August 5, 2017
9:00AM - 3:00PM

See you Tuesday night!

Love you to pieces,




Tickets for sale
$1 each or 6 for $5




"The Great American Quilt Revival"
From YouTube

If you didn't get a chance to see the video you are missing out on some good quilting history.
Check it out!


Community Service

Baby Blankets and Lap quilts donated to the Red Cross
They look so happy

May #5 BOM

Look at the fabric color choice,
there are 3 different fabrics, can you tell?
Not so good fabric color choices.
The one to the right (QOV) is the same pattern
but better color choices.

Too cool

Barb showing off her Aprli BOM

Karen, Barb, and Paige with 3 BOM's : they are the BOM

Karen's #2 BOM

Sheri, newly recovering with her new knee, already showing off #5 BOM,

Karen #5

Donna B #5

                                           What's your excuse?

Jarrod Smith and spouse Jenny, son of Richard and Karen  ( guild member), was presented this beautiful QOV by the Pennsylvania QOV member Laura Watt's with the coordination of Billie Blakeley on May 15 ,2017 

Janice scored!!
Look at all the donated fabric.
Our Guild appreciates all the donations we receive.
Without donations we wouldn't be able to do so much for our community.




Baby Quilt for Dr. Keith's new little LIAM 
First of 10 lightweight quilts for Karen's younger grandkids

Our newest 2 members;  Jessica on the Lt and Tina on the Rt showcase one of her Tina's scrap quilts

Karen's Texas Quilt made for her brother B Day for brother in law ready to be quilted

Baby Quilt for Debi's good friend's 2nd son.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering who we would contact to bring the the Frisco raffle quilt to one of your meetings. Also, to see if you would like to one of our meetings and show your raffle quilt.

