Monday, January 14, 2019

February 2019 Celebrating National Quilt of Valor Sew Day

Farmersville Quilt Guild Calendar of Events

Guild Meeting Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 7 PM 
National QOVF Sew Day Saturday, February 2, 2019 (see below)
Guild Meeting Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 7 PM-Program will be “Loving on our Veterans through QOV”. 
Sew Day Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10AM-3PM 
Sew Day Thursday, April 4, 2019, 10AM-3PM 
Guild Meeting Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 7 PM (Raffle Quilt Drawing) 
Sew Day Thursday, May 2, 2019, 10AM-3PM 
Guild Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 7 PM (Election of Executive Board) 
Community Sew Day Saturday, June 8, 2019, 9AM-9PM 
Guild Meeting Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 7 PM (Birthday Party, Install new Executive Board)

*All FQG Meetings and Sew Days will be at the Civic Center, 201 Orange Street, Farmersville unless otherwise stated.
*A FQG Retreat in late March, early April.  More information will be available as planning moves forward.


Farmersville Quilt Guild QOV National Sew Day 2019

Farmersville Quilt Guild Quilters
front left to right
Lynn, Pat, Kathy, Amanda, Karen
Barb, Jackie, Lesa, Terry, Claude Ann, Gayle
Niki,Susan, Sherri, Yvonne, Brenda, Pat Pending, Tina
(more attended but not pictured (gathering names)


Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who came today!  We had a houseful.  There was plenty of good food.  Lots of laughs.  And I think everyone had a great time. 

We sorted fabric, cut fabric, made blocks and pillowcases. Pat  turned in two completed quilts that she and Susan had pieced!  

Thanks to Barb for a well planned day. Thanks again to everyone who brought food.  Let’s keep up the momentum and get those quilts ready for our presentation in November. 

Watch next week for an email that has the agenda for the February meeting. We look forward to the program that Barb is working on, Loving our Veterans through Quilts of Valor.   Until then have a blessed week.
Have a blessed day,
Kathy, Pres

Below are the stars of the day:

There's Susan, Barb, & Jill and they are ready
There's Jill, Brenda, & Gayle

There's Lynn, Debbie Pie (HI), & Claude Ann

There's Barb & Lesa
Barb is Guilds QOV Coordinator
Good job Barb, thank you

There's Pat & Susan (Mother daughter team)

That's that's the day is about

There's Pat & Niki

There's Pat Pending & Tina hard at work

There's Tina, Terry, Janice, Debbie Pie working hard

Terry & Janice having a great time making all these log cabin blocks

There's Sherri & Kathy

There's Jackie & Barb
Nice panel (Jackie's favorite)
Now that will be a great QOV
Just think of the Veteran who will receive it

There's Pat

There's  Lynn & Claude Ann 

There's Yvonne & Guest (Yvonne's Mom?)

There's Gayle & Pat

There's Terry & Janice

What Terry?

There's Terry & Janice again

There's Sherri & Kathy again

There's Elizabeth & Gayle

There's Susan showing a finished QOV top she & her Mom Pat finished

Exploding Block quilt made with the TAQG blocks returned
Thank you TAQG Members you are amazing
Exploding blocks Guild members made to complete a wonderful QOV

There's Amanda & Lesa

There's Amanda & Lesa again

 There's Tina, Pat Pending, Yvonne, Brenda, Gayle 
There's Tina, Pat Pending, Yvonne, Brenda, Gayle again

There's Niki

There's Susan & Barb

Guild quilters
front left to right
Lynn, Pat, Kathy, Amanda (what's so funny?), Karen
Barb, Jackie, Lesa, Terry, Claude Ann, Gayle
Niki,Susan, Sherri, Yvonne, Brenda, Pat Pending, Tina
(more attended but not pictured (gathering names)


QOV 2019 SEW DAY .jpg

National Quilt of Valor Sew Day
Saturday Feb 2nd from 9am to 5pm
Farmersville Civic Center 
201 Orange St.

All are welcome to come- If you want to sew bring your machine & supplies (extension cords) & thread! White works perfect for block kits J 
If you are currently working on a QOV quilt top bring it and work on it.
Or you may wish to work the cutting station (bring your rotary cutter & ruler if you have a favorite to use) or Pressing station – Iron & Board will be provided. 
You don’t have to stay all day – come when you can and stay as long as you can.  Just make sure the Barb Welch knows you are coming so
That she can make sure you are register.  The QOV organization will be doing door prizes. We will have additional door prizes locally. 

We will have potluck set out in the kitchen, you are welcome to bring snacks, breakfast items, lunch items, whatever you would like. 

Guild QOV Fabric will be available.  If you have a pattern you would like to make – this would be a perfect time to cut the fabric you need. 

There will be block kits available and with luck more will be cut that day as well. 

Come and enjoy a great day together.


1/14/2019 Email from Guild President:
Sewing Sisters,

I just wanted to take a few minutes to remind you of a few upcoming events.

The 6th Annual QOVF National Sew Day is coming up on Saturday, February 2nd, 9 AM to 5 PM, at the Civic Center.  Bring your sewing machine, accessories, lunch (potluck), snacks, drinks and join in the day of sewing for our Veterans.  If you do not a specific project, don’t worry, there will be kits available.  You can also help with cutting and pressing, .  If you have not contacted Barb Welch to register, please do so ASAP.  Note, there is no cost to register.

At the February Farmersville Quilt Guild meeting our program will be “Loving on our Veterans through QOV”.  We will learn what is a QOV, how do I make one, how to nominate someone, etc.  This will be great information for our new members and a refresher for our seasoned members!

In February, we will be appointing a Nominating Committee to work the next few months to bring a list of new Executive Board members for 2019-2020.  The names will be presented to the guild members for consideration in April with a vote in May. New Executive Board members will be installed at the June meeting.  If you would like to be considered for the committee please let me know.

Remember that the guild’s annual budget depends on how well we do with the raffle quilt sales.  Keep selling those tickets!  If you need more tickets or want to sign up for a sale location, contact Lynn Hendrex.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  In meantime, may all your stiches be perfect and your seams be straight!

Kathy Wingo
Farmersville Quilt Guild President

2019 BOM #2
Gayle showing the #2 Feb BOM

#2 Feb BOM
The red floating boarder and the green background boarder
Karen did an different center a 'Hunters Star'

Pat showing the members her Jan #1 BOM
Gayle showing BOM #2 Feb
Sherri FEB BOM

JR'S BOM Jan & Feb


February program: “Loving on our Veterans through QOV”.
Barb giving the members wonderful info about QOVF

Map of Texas QOV chapters

Pat showing her completed 2018 BOM 

Back of Pats 2018 BOM
Showing an example of how a quilt should be to turn into the quilter

Pat Showing another QOV
Nice quilt

Back of Pats 2nd QOV

Exploding Blocks turned in from TAQG
What a beautiful quilt


Sew N Tell

Janice what a beautiful quilt

Lesa making this cute lap quilt for one of my nieces 

Tina helping a friend keep memories
Pat Pending showing this gigantic bedspread she made for herself

Pat  making up Jellyroll rugs to match her quilt on her bed
(Thank you Ariva for the help holding quilts)

Terry is making all her family members mug rugs

Terry making this for a friend of her brothers who helped them

Yvonne making both her sons a QOV

Yvonne showing the block for the son serving in Germany 

Lesa using up her scraps
(are ya nuts?, haha)

Janice 'WOW" is all needed to say

QOV's finished from Saturday QOV National Sew Day 2/2/2019

Another wonderful QOV from sew day

Look close at the quilting
Our quilters do an amazing job on these QOV.  We thank you for you kindness:)

Hi Ladies,
Would you enjoy participating in a QOV Mystery Quilt? There is no cost, and no deadline.  It starts on February 6th! Another fun way that we can make a QOV.
Click on the link below. 

See Barb for site address

The home page for the Mystery Quilt should come up.  At the bottom will be an  orange tab that says “Fabric Requirements”. 
If you click this it should bring up the page with fabric requirements.

If you scroll up to the center of the page you should see
2019 QOV Mystery Event          Home   Photo Gallery   Instructions.
If you click on Instructions it should bring you to page that shows all the dates.  Once the date has arrived you would then be able to click on it and receive the instructions.

If we have members that do not have internet access, I’m told they will allow me to print and provide you with the information.  
These patterns do belong to the QOV organization so I appreciate everyone respecting their wishes not to share with others. 
If you have someone outside of our group, that would like to participate, I’m sure we can get them access as well. 
Send JR your PICTURES, plz
JR completed QOV 2019 Mystery quilt week 1
Talk to Barb if interested

QOV Presentation:

Yesterday Barb went to the VA Hospice Unit in Dallas to present a QOV to Danny Pallett, US Navy, Vietnam
This was the request we received via Email from Anniece Murray that we
Discussed at the Guild Meeting.  Pictured with him is his daughter Dinah Black. 
Thank you for your service Mr. Pallett

Hi ladies,
Thought I’d share this QOV information with you today.  Hope everyone is doing well with their mystery quilt.
We are up to step 3 
Have a great Day
(See above for QOV Mystery Quilt info)

If you're having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online

QOVF volunteers wrapped 30,745 veterans and service members touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor in 2018 and over 209,110 since 2003.
As one recipient said, “Receiving it, I was not prepared for the emotions that coursed through me from wonder to tears. I am not sure what it means to have total strangers care for you in this way!”
Thank you for your dedication, your time, and your talent—QOVF appreciates all you do.

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