Saturday, July 22, 2017

December 2017 celebrates the year of service

December 12, 2017
Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting
Civic Center 7pm
Program: Holiday Celebration
All are welcome

2018-2019 raffle quilt coming together
Good job Lynn


December #12 Block of the Month (BOM)

Dec #12 BOM
The copy for this is dark so you may want to use this for better details.
Also this is tricky so you may want to READ THE DIRECTIONS past out at the Dec meeting. Don't forget to square!!!

JR #12 BOM



December 8, 2017 Thursday, 
Community Sew Day
10:00AM - 3:00PM
All are welcome

December 12, 2017
Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting
Civic Center 7pm
Program: Holiday Celebration
All are welcome

Farmersville Quilt Guild Christmas Party
December 12th, 2017
Civic Center
Main Dish/Meat

Member Name
Barb’s Meatballs
Fried Chicken
Claude Ann

Side Dish/Starch

Member Name
Potato Casserole
Pasta Salad
Sweet Potato Casserole
Cabbage & Rice Casserole
Side Dish/Vegetables

Member Name
Green Beans
Veggie Tray
3 Bean Salad
Fruit Salad

Member Name
Homemade Bread
Hot Rolls

Member Name
?? Desert
Pie-Choc Cream

Member Name
Hot Cider & Water
Hot Chocolate
Donna B.
30 Cinnamon Sticks (for cider)
Hello Ladies,

Sorry for all the email the last few days. Inquiring minds need information. Tis the season.

This email is from Peggy our Holiday party chairperson.


1. Potluck dish
(See below for potluck sheet. If you can't bring your item just let us know so we can cover it (Thx).)
2. $10 gift wrapped to exchange (anything).
3. Christmas mug. For you to use and take home
4. Your Party self:)

All guest/prospective members are welcome. You don't need to bring a dish we have it covered. But if you want to do the $10 wrapped gift exchange game bring and lets have fun.

Also attached is the Barn Trail article & below is the Raffle Quilt Sales list, WE STILL NEED 2 OF YOU AMAZING LADIES FOR NOV. 16TH.
P.S. I put a quilted slipper pattern link below, check it out

Thank you McKinney Modern Quilt Guild for sharing

January 2018

January 5, 2018 Thursday, 
Community Sew Day
9:00AM - 3:00PM
All are welcome

January 9, 2018
Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting
Civic Center 7pm
Program: Sherry Worley presenting 'Hand Dying Fabrics'
 MYSTERY Block of the Month/BOM revealed. Have yours ready to show off.
All are welcome

March 23-25, 2018 
FVQG 2018 Spring Retreat  
Quiltagious Quarters, Celeste

July 2018

July 14, 2018
TAQG Rally

Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales

October 24, Tuesday 6:30p.m.
Frisco Quilt Guild
Collin Community College
9700 Wade Blvd., Frisco
Conference Center
1. Sherry 
2. Niki 

November 7, Tuesday  Setup 6;00p.m. Meeting starts at 6;30
Modern Quilt Guild McKinney 
Stitched With Love
500 N. Custer Road Suite 110
McKinney 75071
1. Niki will already be there for the meeting
2.Sherri & JR

November 16, Thursday 6:00p.m.
Cotton Patch Guild
Kavanaugh United Methodist Church
2516 Park St.
Greenville, 75401
Fellowship Hall
1.Donna B
2. Karen 

January 16 2018, Tuesday
McKinney Quilt Guild
Collin College
2400 Community Drive
Conference Center ( stand alone building)
Near intersection of Hwy 75 and University Drive (Hwy 380)
contact Cynthia 
1. Janice 
2.????? HELP

February 20, 2018 
Denton Quilt Guild
Patterson-Appleton Center
400 E. Hickory St.
Denton 76201
Doors open at 6;00p.m.
contact  Ellen 
1. Lynn 
2. Debbie Pie

Thank you for supporting your Guild,

Debbie Pie

FYI:  What is a scant 1/4” seam? There are occasions when you sew two pieces together, carefully sewing ¼ from the edge of your fabric and find that the finished size after pressing the seams toward the darker fabric is slightly smaller than it should be.  When piecing a quilt, the perfect seam allowance needs to be a SCANT quarter inch, rather than a true ¼”. This is because the fold of the fabric over the seam allowance can shrink the finished measurement of the piece just a bit. To get a “scant ¼” seam, sew a couple threads narrower (closer to the cut edge) than a true quarter inch if needed. You can always test your seams using a couple of scraps before you begin.

Revised ByLaws

ByLaws for the Farmersville Quilt Guild

Article 1 - Name

1.01 The name of the organization shall be the Farmersville Quilt Guild.

Article 2 - Purpose

2.01 The purpose of the guild shall be:

·        preserving the art and heritage of quilting
·        continuing education of the art of quilting
·        encouraging the knowledge of all aspects of quilting, and
·        community service

Article 3 - Membership

3.01 All persons shall be declared members of the Farmersville Quilt Guild upon payment of dues

3.02 Each member present is entitled to one vote on all matters submitted to vote

3.03 Any person may attend two meetings of the guild per annum as a guest. Further attendance shall require payment of dues.

3.04 Any returning member shall pay the full annual amount of dues for reinstatement.

3.05 The amount of dues shall be recommended by the board and must be approved by the membership during a regular meeting. The board can grant honorary or hardship membership.

3.06 Dues are non-refundable.

3.07 New members are eligible for prorated dues. Full dues are due for the first 6 months of the fiscal year. Half dues are due for the second half of the fiscal year. The fiscal year starts in June.

3.08 Junior Membership is age 12 thru 18 years old. A Junior member must be accompanied by an adult sponsor during all meetings and activities of the guild. Dues are $5.00 and must be paid upon joining. Junior members do not have voting rights and must abide by all the guild rules and standards of good behavior. Dues are non-refundable and will not be prorated for Junior members. A guardian or parent will sign permission release form.

Article 4 - Meetings

4.01 Regular meetings of the guild shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month for the purpose of conducting business that needs to be presented to the membership at large. These meetings shall be held at a place and time as designated by the guild president, the executive board or the membership.

4.02 The meeting in June, the Guild’s anniversary, shall be known as the anniversary meeting and will include the installation of officers for the upcoming fiscal year.

4.03 The president, executive board or guild members calling a special meeting may designate the time and place.

4.04 A quorum will consist of 51% of the current membership as determined by the secretary. A vote can only be made with a quorum. A majority vote of the members in attendance at a meeting shall rule unless noted in the bylaws.

4.5 Voting - Matters coming before the guild for a vote shall be voted on by the members present only. No provision shall exist for proxies or voting by mail, telephone or email.
Article 5 - Officers
5.01 The elected officers of the guild shall be: president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary.
5.02 Officers shall receive no compensation for serving as officers with the Farmersville Quilt Guild.
5.03 The term of office for elected officers is one year. Elected officers may not serve more than two consecutive years in an office unless approved by majority of the membership.
5.04 Officer Vacancies- If a vacancy occurs of an elected officer, the President shall appoint a new officer to serve the remainder of the term of office. If both the president and vice-president positions are vacant, the secretary shall call a meeting of the board for the purpose of appointing a president for the duration of the unexpired term.

5.05 Committee Vacancies - A vacancy of any Committee Chairperson shall be filled by appointed by the president with the approval of the board, for the duration of the unexpired term if warranted.

5.06 President – the president is the chief executive members of the board. The duties are as follows:

·        Presides over all meetings. The Vice President will serve if the President is unavailable.
·        Establishes the schedule for executive board meetings.
·        Establishes the agenda for board and regular meetings.
·        Calls additional meetings as needed.
·        Participates in the audit of treasurer’s report annually.
·        Coordinates the development of an annual operating budget in consultation with officers and committee members and presents the budget for member approval.
·        Her name will be registered on the guild checking account and used for dispersal of funds.

 5.07 Vice President – the vice president will serve as the president when the president is not available.
·        The VP will serve in various capacities as needed by the president and the membership deems necessary.
·        Confirms the designated meeting place in January and ascertains that it is calendared for the next year. 
·        Will ascertain the workshop/community sew day meeting place and calendar it for such meetings.
·        Shall notify the meeting location of any cancelled meetings.
·        Shall be responsible for scheduling programs/presentations for monthly guild meetings, shall make contracts with monthly guild speakers.  Signed contracts shall be made available to the guild president and treasurer.
·        Her name will be registered on the guild checking account and used for dispersal of funds.

5.08 Treasurer – The treasurer shall have custody and charge of all monies collected by and paid by the guild. Specific duties are not limited to but include the following:

·        Maintain all financial records in a timely manner.
·        Present books for annual audit prior to June of each year. Audit is to be completed by the President and Audit committee. The fiscal year of the guild shall be June 1st of each year through May 31st of the following year.
·        Serve as budget advisor for the executive board meeting.
·        Present a treasurer’s report at all monthly meetings.
·        Her name will be registered on the guild checking account and used for dispersal of funds.
·        Submit a completed I 90 form for non-profit status reporting.
·        Guild funds shall be deposited, within 48 hours if at all possible, in a commercial bank account designated by the executive board and distributed upon the signature of any two of the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.

5.09 Secretary – The secretary’s duties are as follows:

·        Recording minutes for all regular meetings.
·        Recording minutes for all executive board meetings.
·        Serves as the keeper of all documentation for membership.
·        Reports attendance of members at the meeting to determine if a quorum is present for voting purposes.
·        Review and revise as necessary a timeline of officer and committee responsibilities and distribute this timeline of activities to officers and committee chairpersons. As example: the filing of the I90, financial audit, and deadlines for time sensitive special projects.
·        Her name will be registered on the guild checking account and used for dispersal of funds.

Article 6 - Committees

6.01 Standing Committees shall be:  Membership, Community Service Projects, Public Relations, Social Media, Raffle Quilt,  and Hospitality.  The term of office for each committee expires on May 31. All chairpersons shall maintain files and records and shall deliver them to their successors.  

6.02 Ad Hoc Committees may include:  Nominating, Audit, and Special events or others as needed. These committees shall be activated as the need arises. 

6.03 Committee responsibilities are located in the Members Policy Manual.

Article 7 – Disclaimer of Harmless

7.01 No cause of action shall arise against any person serving as a director, or officer of this organization on account of any negligent act or omission occurring

·        within the scope of that person’s duties as an officer in an official capacity

·        in good faith

·        in a manner that person believes to be in the best interest of the organization

·        is in the exercise of his or her policy making judgement

Article 8 – Vacancies

8.01 If a vacancy occurs of both the president and vice-president, the secretary shall call a meeting of the board for the purpose of appointing a president for the duration of the unexpired term.

8.02 A vacancy in any board members, other that the president , shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the board, for the duration of the unexpired term if warranted.

Article 9 - Dissolution
9.01 To effect dissolution of the Farmersville Quilt Guild, these bylaws must be rescinded by two-thirds (2/3)  vote of a membership after ten (10) days notice has been mailed or emailed to all members. In the event of dissolution, all net assets shall go to a non-profit organization determined by the executive committee.

Adopted June 13, 2017

Ø  Latest revision: April 28, 2013

Ø  Latest revision: July, 7, 2015

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