Friday, March 16, 2018


Up coming events:


Farmersville Community Sew Day
DATE: Thursday, April 5th 2018
TIME: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center

Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting 
DATE: April 10th
TIME: 7pm 
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center 
201 Orange St., Farmersville
PROGRAM: Cutters
** We will be drawing for the Raffle Quilt!
All are welcome
See below for more info about the meeting

The 4th Annual St Mary's Quilt Show
DATE: Thursday, April 26 - Saturday, April 28
TIME: 9:00AM - 5:00PM each day
LOCATION: St Mary's Church in Plantersville, TX
No Admission


Farmersville Community Sew Day
DATE: Thursday, May 3
TIME: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center

Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, May 8, 2018
TIME: 7:00PM
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center
PROGRAM: Estate Planning – protecting your quilts & Election of the 2018-2019 officers


Farmersville Community Sew Day
DATE: Thursday, June 7
TIME: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center

Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting-Anniversary Celebration
DATE: June 12th  
TIME: 7pm
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center 
Farmersville Quilt Guild Birthday Party – Fun night.
All are welcome

Audie Murphy Day
DATE: Saturday, June 23 
LOCATION: Farmersville Onion Shed


Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting 
DATE: July 10th 
TIME: 7pm
LOCATION: Farmersville Civic Center 
PROGRAM: Christmas in July
All are welcome

DATE: July 14
TIME: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
LOCATION: Mimosa Lane Baptist Church
ADDRESS: 1233 North Beltline Road, Mesquite, TX 75149
TAQG RALLY - If you want to attend the Rally they are charging $5 admission. We will have pins ($5), raffle tickets
 (1 for $1 or 6 for $5) and lunch tickets ($10) available for purchase so plan on bringing cash or your check books!
Speaking of TAQG - Here is a link to their latest newsletter. Enjoy the read!

Please note that programs are subject to change ðŸ˜Š
Raffle Quilt fundraiser funds are used to purchase fabric for 'Quilts of Valor' quilts for Veterans, community service projects (lap quilts, walker caddies, fidget quilts, bibs, etc.), Scholarships, Fire Dept. Raffle Quilts, Audie Murphy Day Quilts, etc.
If you would like to purchase tickets call 
(214) 830-8798
Need not be present to win. GOOD LUCK
And thank you for supporting the 
Farmersville Quilt Guild:)


April 10th Guild meeting info:

Dear Sewing Sisters,

I'm grateful for the milder temperatures and the beautiful Spring flowers - not so fond of the allergies though! I hope you are all doing well and I'm looking forward to seeing you all! Didn't you enjoy Sherry Gray's presentation on English Paper Piecing last month? We have very gifted quilters in our Guild.

This month we will be doing our Raffle Quilt Drawing. Please bring any ticket money and unsold tickets - we will need to make sure everyone gives an accounting prior to the drawing so that we can make sure every ticket sold is in the drawing. So the order of the meeting will be program, Guild business and then Raffle drawing at the end of the night. The word of the day is Sell, Sell, Sell!

In our Business Meeting we will be discussing our 2017 I90, our audit, our Anniversary Celebration in June, TAQG Rally Day and the Audie Murphy Day Celebration.

APRIL PROGRAM - Barb has organized a meeting on cutters - is that a term?! We will be showcasing the pros and cons of several models. Additionally, we will be cutting the last of the 4inch blocks needed for our TAQG Favor. We will be filling zip loc baggies with 2 - 4 inch blocks and 1 - 5 inch block in preparation for Rally Day. 

What to bring:

2017 Raffle Tickets/Money = Bring your Raffle ticket stubs, unsold tickets and money

TAQG RALLY - If you want to attend the Rally they are charging $5 admission. We will have pins ($5), raffle tickets (1 for $1 or 6 for $5) and lunch tickets ($10) available for purchase so plan on bringing cash or your check books!

Bring your March Block of the Month. I will be emailing the April Block of the month and the March Meeting Minutes on Tuesday.

Show and Tell items


Pat & Susan surprised some friends/family in AZ with QOV's

Catherine Pauley
Pat & Susan presentiong

Margaret Wilson
Pat & Susan presenting

Farmersville Quilt Guild Meeting 
DATE: April 10th
Program: CUTERS

Barb explaining the program: Cutters

Sherri showing her Accu Quilts cutter


Kathy showing her accu Quilt cutter

Pat one of our newest members showing her cutting

Pat & Donna (2 of our newest members) jumpinng right in teaching their cutting skills

Pats log cabin die

Pat has this cute appliques dies

Rolls on thru

Pat showing her favorite die

Susan showing this fabric cutter. (her mom received for a gift, but we all know who is the cutter in this family)

It uses a regular rotary blade

See how easy it looks :)

Susan cutting & cutting those square blocks for TAQG goody bags
Thanks Susan & keep cutting...

The Guild members listening to the program about cutters

Olivia Grace is our newest member


JR is really enjoying playing grandma for a few minutes
What a good angel

Really JR?

She is saying "What you talking bout?"


Raffle Quilt Drawing Time

And the winner is:
Kathy's sister-in-law


BOM #4 by Sherri


Annvisary Party
Chair: Jackie

Don't forget to send Jackie a selfie of your self ASAP


And the there's Karen our door prize queen

Karen's BOM 2017 blocks made into this beautiful QOV

Amanda made this wonderful QOV for her brother

Back of Amanda's QOV. Lynn did this amazing quilting.
See the big eagle in the center? and its dog tags as the quilting.

Lesa made this for someone special

Close up of Lesa's lap quilt

Karen made this rose beauty for someone special???

Peggy finished this QOV for a loved one

Pat WOW what a beautiful quilt

Close up of Pat's beautiful quilt

Tina is getting real crafty

Tina it's so cute but so small
While Karen was recouping from a broken ankle she managed to
make 2 awesome jelly roll QOV

our busy bee

Peggy at a sit n sew working on her BOM's (2017)
Look how organized she is

Pat finished this Fence rail QOV helping out our Paige
Love those colo

1 comment:

  1. So many beautiful ladies and quilts!!
