Monday, August 24, 2015

August 2015 broght Adah Leah Wolf, Farmersville Main street director as our special guest! 2016 Raffle Quilt was unveiled.

 Adah Leah Wolf

Farmersville Main street director

  was our special guest. 

We are excited to build our relationship with her and the City of Farmersville.


Farmersville Quilt Guild

Front left to right: Jennifer, Adah Leah, Debi, Lynn. Center: Becky Charlotte, Pat, Bonnie, Traci, Ann, Donna P, Jackie, Karen. Back: Barb, Janice, Donna B.

Adah Leah guest speaking about Main street





Farmersville Quilt Guild proudly unveils

2016 Raffle Quilt Fundraiser Quilt


Tickets are now on sale $1 each or 6 for $5

Drawing April 12, 2016 (need not be present to win)

 Our program was Pat Beeler demonstrating the 'French Way' of pillow case making. Which we use to put the Quilts of Valor in for our troops.

Pat our wonderful teacher

Barb and Karen sewing, sewing, sewing...

Pat giving tips to Charlotte and Becky working so hard.

Donna & Debi stopped sewing to pose for a picture, CHEESE:) (Yikes, scary)
Janice and Barb quietly sewing away

  Karen is so excite, "look I did it"
Adah Leah & Ann comparing notes

Bonnie, Ann, Adah Leah having fun sewing


 Birthday Fat Quarters Exchange

  Birthdays for August: Karen, Charlotte, Bonnie

July: Ann, Becky


 Sew & Tell

Bonnie's wide mouth tote
(made with fat qtrs, Cool)

Bonnie also made this cute house quilt called:
Suburbs by, Cluck Cluck sew

Debi made this 'Quilt of Valor' for donation

Debi putting the finishing touches on this king size bedspread for her daughter

Donna made this special quilt for a friend who is sick. Made from her kids art work, how creative.

Back side (a few last minute ones)

Janice made this beautiful cross wall hanging

Janice was super creative with her 'Rip & Tear' fabric, from July program.

Bonnie made these handy row markers.
I bet all the Guild members made asap!


  1. These ladies make quilting fun😎

  2. The talent of these women is remarkable... I can't believe what they can create at the drop of a hat! I've seen first hand what they do for eachother, the community, and people/animals in need... keep it up ladies!!!
