Wednesday, July 15, 2015

March 2014 is TAQG - April Showered us In Jelly Rolls - May Featured Pebble Rehm

For May the blog editor was gone to see a new grand-baby. There are a few pictures and as I collect more I will post them.

Sherry Worley came and spoke to us about TAQG in March. She was able to explain all the ins and outs of the Texas Association of Quilt Guilds and the quilt show coming up in July. The show will feature Sue Nickels as the guest speaker and workshop. Sherry showed some of the "Nickel" quilts and members were able to work on making one. It looks like we will be ready to join in the excitement for the TAQG show! She also brought some fun mini quilts that are used to display the many pins that are collected by quilters.

The April was a rock'n jelly roll race. Everyone brought 2 1/2 inch strips from different fabrics and the race was on to see who could sew them into a lap top size quilt. We also had our raffle quilt drawing and our own Debi won the beautiful black and white quilt!

Raffle Quilt winner: Our own Guild member 'Debi/JR

JR/Debi with her winning raffle quilt
pictured with her daughter visiting form California

JR's kitties are very curious

Sew and Tell

Charlotte brought a lovely small quilt to share

Bonnie shows a beautiful mustard gold quilt

Donna done a clever owl quilt

Debi shows her Nickel quilt she made from last months meeting

We sold tickets for the raffle quilt at Famers and Flees one Saturday. Can you tell it was cold and rainy?

May was a very exciting program. Pebble Rehm came with lots of beautiful quilts. We met in the Church of Christ annex for this meeting and the room was full of quilters and quilts. 

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